Friday, 29 November 2013


Inspired by my love for the ocean I painted this large triptych "Courting" where the natural elements of coastal living are combined to create "Calm".

The square painting "Beyond" took me a million miles away from civilisation.

Now available at Sunset Gallery, Port Macquarie.

Thursday, 28 November 2013


Many years ago while working as a textile designer I was in Japan and found myself impatiently waiting for appointments in the corporate world. When a kind Japanese gentleman taught me the "Art of Waiting"...he pointed out the beautiful paintings on the walls and talked to me about"Zen" and "being still and really looking." Ever since I'm delighted to see paintings while waiting. Now I'm very pleased  my paintings are hanging in Pdd Chartered Accountants to make the "waiting experience" more pleasant.

I love being an Artist and creating good energy everywhere I can.
If you know of a waiting space crying out for paintings are available for hire or for Sale.


Wednesday, 27 November 2013


It's the journey that counts !!
Wow just look at Monique Foster's Town Beach painting..Awesome !! I say...and another beautiful background on it's way.

Yes THE JOURNEY !! ain't always plain sailing and can be "a tad" frustrating at's the moment when you just can't stand it anymore ...and you keep on painting and you turn the corner...that's when you discover what it really is to be an Artist. Now Julianne Hender "welcome to my world!"

 And we can all only be ourselves in this world...making our own marks as we go...

Thanks for looking in on our Spotlight class.
Yvonne :)

Friday, 22 November 2013


 Gotta love these Wednesday girls at Spotlight... they come Skipping into class....all ready for a few hours of Creative Time. "MY TIME"
This is not a place to spend gruelling hours mastering techniques to achieve defined goals to get the "right answer", their are other great tutors and classes for that.
I love it when they quietly slip into "The Zone" lost in their creations, passion and paint moves around, Magic Happens on Canvas, a new idea has taken form and WOW!!! my purpose as a tutor is served.

Monday, 18 November 2013

The Freedom of Drawing

I've loved drawing ever since I was a child. I find great freedom in just letting the pen scribe out flashes of thought and energy in motion. This drawing called "Freedom" came  from a series of drawings I did  during my Art Therapy course years ago.....This is how it feels to "Wear the World Like A Loose Garment". It reminds me to "Let Go" when I get all uptight.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

I'm obsessed with colour and fascinated with flowers these days. Stunning Flowers are everywhere just begging me to paint them !! Great inspiration for my next demonstration for the next Artist Markets in The Vines on Sunday 24 November 9am - 2pm. Maybe someone would like a painting for Xmas ??

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Art Class in Port Macquarie

 Great Art class today at Spotlight, some thrilling colour combinations all around me...what brilliant students I have.

 So many great ideas shared around, discovered great use for those beautiful nutrimetics dropper bottles after they've worked on my wrinkles I can use the droppers for paint that idea

Don't forget I'll be demonstrating from 10am at Sunset Gallery 2/11 Murry St This Friday 15th Nov 2013

Monday, 11 November 2013

Upcoming Demonstration at Sunset Gallery

I'm so excited about my demo this Friday 15th November 2013 at Sunset Gallery.

I'll be there from 10 am - 4pm using my wow ! new Golden Paints. Now if you don't know what I'm talking about, well they are a paint pourers dream. I'll be using them to create , fluid , transparent, watercolour like effects on canvas.

Should be fun.....hopefully I'll see you there.

Yvonne x