- I've had the privilege of working with Art Therapy in Aged Care for many years now, and began this project "Glorious Spring" at Vincent Court in Kempsey last year when activities coordinator Kate Segal contacted me.
The Mural was painted by a group of 12 residents,now in their eighties, most of whom have not picked up a paintbrush since schooldays (a long time ago!).

This painting is full of colour and shows the hidden talent of these people I have grown to love and admire.
They pooled their talents and encouraged and included everyone who was willing to have a go.
They shared with me how uplifting,and relaxing they found the activity. It was a real buzz to hear one lady tell me how surprised she is to discover her talent and imagination at this age."Just goes to show you're never too old to learn something new". "Glorious Spring" now proudly hangs in the main dining room to be admired by family and friends."